
Pope Francis Tells Nuns and Priests to Cool It with the Porn

Warning against the dangers of having “temptation in hand,” Pope Francis has urged nuns and priests to stop watching porn.

According to the BBC, Francis was answering a question about digital and social media when he turned to the subject of explicit pornography. His Holiness called it “a vice that so many people have… even priests and nuns.”

Francis has taken small steps to update the Catholic Church’s sexual mores, encouraging some forms of family planning and saying that followers don’t need to breed like “rabbits.” But the Church teaches that pornography is an affront to chastity. “The pure heart, the one that Jesus receives every day, cannot receive this pornographic information,” Francis said.

“The devil enters from there,” he added, urging everyone who possesses it to “delete this from your phone.”

Francis himself — or a the very least, his Instagram account — has some experience with the matter. In 2020, the Vatican launched an investigation to determine how the official papal presence had come to hit like on a photo of a woman’s butt. Regardless, his main hobby seems to be music. Earlier this year, in one of his extremely rare unannounced visits to small shops, Francis bought a mystery CD.