
Get in shape by indulging in these awesome outdoor activities

Summer Activity

If indoor workouts aren’t your cup of tea, consider opting for some fun outdoor activities to improve your fitness levels. Being outdoors is known to have a series of health and fitness benefits. By stepping outside, you can work out and enjoy yourself at the same time.

Whether you are heading for the hills or plan to unwind along a balmy beach, the following outdoor activities can double down as great workouts. Do not forget to pick up a smart watch before you head out since it can keep a track on your activity levels via integrated fitness monitoring.

5 outdoor activities that can help you get fit



One of the best ways to beat the heat and get in shape is to opt for swimming. Head over to your local sports complex and get yourself a membership for this summer. If you are out on vacation, spend as much time soaking in outdoors as you can. Swimming is known to offer you the same benefits that you get while walking or running. Since this activity is easier on your muscles and joints, it is possible to indulge in longer hours of swimming without feeling sore. Not only do you tone your body down, swimming also leaves you feeling mental fresh and rejuvenated.

Stand-up paddle boarding


While kayaking down a lazy river is always something to look forward to; consider opting for stand-up paddle boarding this time. In a kayak, most of the work is being down by your upper body while your lower half stays at rest. By choosing to paddle board while standing, you can burn calories while testing your co-ordination and balancing skills. A fun activity to enjoy with your friends, you can make awesome memories and get in shape together.



Cycling is a great substitute to running and jogging. Head out every evening or early in the morning for a few rounds around the block. If you are on holiday, cycles are widely available to rent. Riding downhill along a picturesque mountain setting is thrilling and healthy at the same time. Not only can you improve your stamina levels, cycling also is beneficial to your overall cardiovascular health. You can head out by your own self or bring along a few buddies to spark some friendly competition.

Rock climbing

Rock climbing

Opting for rock climbing may be challenging, but it can get you in great shape. Start out small and gradually plan to attempt a longer distance. This activity is a sure-fire way to tire out your limbs and get in an intense workout. From beginner to advanced levels, there are a series of difficulties that you can work with. If you do not live close to such terrain, you can consider visiting an indoor rock climbing arena. This activity is a great substitute to conventional full body workouts.



Whether you prefer to hike for a few hours or enjoy setting out on multiple day treks, walking amidst nature has its own set of advantages. Get in shape all while you experience the fresh outdoor breeze and listen to the songs of birds. Such nature walks are great to clear your mind and increase your general motivation levels. Pick the trail that you can match up to, pack a healthy lunch and head out into the outdoors. This activity is great choice for burning calories and toning down.

No matter what how you prefer to get in shape, you can get more insight into the effectiveness of your routine by picking a smart watch. Smart watches are widely known to offer comprehensive activity tracking. They come with a series of sports modes so that you can work out across a number of arenas. They also let you keep a check on your calorie intake and inform you about your daily step count.