SanDisk has created the Pro-Blade Ecosystem. The system includes the SSD Mag, the Transport system and the Pro-Blade station desktop system will be coming out later this year.
Editor’s note: SanDisk sent us the Pro-Blade Transport and SSD Mag to review and keep; however, all opinions about this product are our own. We have not been told what to say. We tell you this as we always want to be upfront and honest with you.
Product specifications
All technical specifications have been taken from the B&H product page:
Build quality
The exterior of the Pro-Blade SSD Mags is slick gray aluminum. The aluminum enclosure allows for heat dissipation to maintain performance. They feel very sturdy and secure. There is a handle on the end of the drive which makes it easy to grip when putting in and out of the Pro-Blade Transport enclosure.
The drives easily slide in and out of the Transport enclosure and click in place once seated completely in the unit. The custom connector allows for wide usability and long-term compatibility. They are ultra-durable and can withstand drops from 9.8′.
Product specifications
All technical specifications have been taken from the B&H product page:
Build quality
The Transport has a solid aluminum base that provides durability while facilitating heat dissipation. Solid and durable feeling. It is designed to keep cool both inside and also to the touch.
Like most external drives, it’s just plug-and-play. I plugged the Transport into my MacBook pro and immediately copied over several months worth of image files in no time. 182 GB of files took less than three minutes to copy over.
It’s really simple to use. The SSD Mags have an area to write on so you can keep track of what data is on which drive. Although it might be nice to have different colored drives to distinguish them easier when you’re reaching for them in your camera bag. I can see that it might be easy to grab the wrong drive and have to look at each one to know you have the right drive.
I did try using a white label .5″ x 1.75″ on the SSD Mag to see if it fit inside the Transport without any issues. It does fit, not sure if that is a good long-term solution as over time the label would not be removed easily.
I’m looking forward to taking this on my next trip. The standard external drives that I usually pack, can add extra weight to my bag. The Pro-Blade system would allow me to pack lighter and be able to change out the SSD mags when needed. I’m already thinking of keeping one for a traveling backup drive. And, depending on size, this system could be used to separate out the images from my different destinations during one trip, on separate drives.
When the Pro-Blade Station is available I can see using this whole system for storage and transport instead of the five different external hard drives I currently have on my desk.
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