Guitars Almost More Iconic Than Their Rock Icon
It’s not just musicians that shaped rock and roll history — so did their guitars. These iconic axes are almost as important as an extra band member and lent their unique sound and look to some of rock’s most talented icons.
Randy Rhoads’ Polka Dot V
We’re not saying the Polka Dot V is the most iconic guitar of all time, but it may just be the most iconic guitar of all time. Rhoads was known for playing flying Vs. He had both the Jackson Rhoads “Concorde” and the Karl Sandoval “Polka Dot V,” and it’s impossible to say which is the most famous.
As far as iconic guitars go, Rhoads ended up recording Ozzy Osbourne’s “Crazy Train” with the Polka Dot V. Because of its contribution to heavy metal history, this one might take the cake (or the bat head, depending on which you think would make a better snack.)